To preserve our members experience and have the right level of help, I only open membership periodically. Dunamis Tribe has a maximum of 100 members.

We are currently closed to new members but will be opening up soon.

Type in your primary email address above to be notified when a spot is available.

Your Invitation To The Dunamis Tribe™

JD! I want yours and your tribe’s support in getting my Dunamis Operating System (OS)™ dialed in without spending 20 years trying to figure it out myself. Our goal is to  build a life of meaning and true freedom that’s aligned with my created design without suffering through bad theology or struggling through the search all by myself.

You understand over the next 12 months…

… together we’ll unlock 3 Key Pieces, called The Dunamis Operating System (OS)™, likely in this order:

Dunamis - Identity Code™ :  My vision becomes clear and sharp when I discover and embody my Created Design (Imago Dei). Operating as an Image Bearer implies that my life has intrinsic value and purpose, not just because of my individual worth, but because of my connection to God. I’ll be able to stay steadfast in my identity and operate out of my created design in the purposes that will be made clear.  This will begin my new way of operating as a peace-fueled man

Dunamis - Authority Code™ :  Humans without authority and peace-fueled power grind themselves into the ground and are left burnt-out with a dump truck full of regrets. Men who ‘install’ the Authority Code™ find absolute freedom and power in their family and business relationships because it’s hard-wired into our design.

Dunamis - Power Code™: Armed with my Identity Codex and my Authority Codex, I’ll be positioned to then move in Power. Knowing that inauthentic power can corrupt, I will tap into authentic power that is Dunamis - inherent power (it resides within our nature). I will notice a higher level of influence in every environment and it will be effortless.

An integrated result of embracing and walking out the 3 Codes is I will experience peace that surpasses my current understanding.  This peace-fueled life will produce freedom.  This is the end goal… to live FREE and fully alive.

Together we’ll not only unpack these 3 Dunamis Codes™, we’ll also get them “running” as our new Operating System (OS) by installing our Dunamis OS™ Codes over the next 12 months.

I will get on a 30 minute Private Call with JD to map my Dunamis OS™ and get crystal clear about my starting point and my plan to get free.

We will workshop every second Thursday to create your Freedom Plan by installing the Dunamis OS™.

I have Office Hours with JD every Tuesday at 7am San Antonio, TX time (CST) and get support as well as the help of others in the Tribe X. (See many more benefits below.)

I understand I am getting direct help in structuring my beliefs and the way I engage life, and I’m getting triage (when things don’t go as planned) and other aspects of living a life of freedom, purpose and peace.

I also understand I won’t get ‘stuck’ as you have a community around you


Your investment for The Tribe™ uses my Pay As You Get Free model that makes it ridiculously easy to get started.

Your investment is $400 now then payments of $400 USD every week.

This rate will be grandfathered for life and not be subject to future price increases.

Heck, if all you did is install 25% of one of the Dunamis Codes™ into your life, it could positively change the trajectory of your entire family… Maybe save you from divorce.  Or maybe keep you from choosing the wrong business partner.

Love It Or Leave It:

The Dunamis Tribe is a community. Not a hostage situation.

You can leave anytime. 

If you leave you are unable to rejoin for 12 months.

Guarantees and Promises:

No guarantees. Big promises or refunds. 

MORE Dunamis Tribe  BENEFITS: 

*Access to all (past and future) Tribe online trainings:

Blueprint 1:1 Cal with JD ($1000 value)

Map your Freedom Plan™ and get crystal clear about your first steps and the process that will carry you to success. Dial in your individual plan to unlock the codes of identity, authority and power and design your life OS in a way that makes it easy and fun to be around.

NOBODY is doing this like we do over here at The Dunamis Tribe.

The Dunamis OS™ Private Community Group (Tribe):

Feel stuck?

Post in the group and together we’ll get you unstuck. We’ll also celebrate our wins and have a shoulder to lean on when it hits the fan.  

How To Become A Member of The Dunamis OS Tribe:

STEP 1. Join the Waitlist.

STEP 2. I'll let you know when a spot opens up.

STEP 3.  You join and set up your Blueprint call to kick off

© Dunamis OS 2025. All Rights Reserved.